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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Sculpt a clay doll from a pinch pot

I painted my doll using pink, lavender and purple paints, but you can paint
your doll's clothing using any colors or shapes. Use your imagination!
       What to do on a rainy day? Gloomy days are perfect days for crafting a new doll. All you need is a bit of air dry clay (or oven bake clay) and paint. The little clay doll above was sculpted on one day and painted on the next. I used a hot glue gun to attach black yarn under her bonnet to mimic her hair, but you could use slower drying, sticky craft glue and let your doll dry over night.  A project like this one is perfect for little ones ages 9 - 11 years old.
Start sculpting your doll by shaping a pinch pot first.
Supply List:
  • clear enamel nail polish or transparent acrylic varnish
  • yarn for hair
  • hot glue and gun
  • tacky glue (alternative)
  • wooden dowel measuring 3 inch or plastic pen cap for air dry clays
  • air dry clay or Sculpey oven bake clay (Read instructions on the packaging. )
  • acrylic or water color paints
  • cardboard or newspaper surface for rolling out clay
Step-by-Step Directions:
  1. Shape the skirt of your doll first by rolling a ball between the palms of your hands.
  2. Now insert your thumb and position your five other fingers outside the surface of the ball.
  3. Pinch and turn the ball clockwise. Soon the clay will open up to shape a small pot.
  4. Take the cap of a old marker or pen and insert it through bottom of the pinch pot.
  5. Turn the pinch pot upside down Now you have the shape of your doll's skirt. (see picture above)
  6. You will need to use a short wooden dowel approx. three inches long if you are sculpting with oven bake clay. The plastic cap will melt in an oven, folks.
  7. Now cover this cap with a bit of clay and shape a rustic figure using simple clay shapes: like a rolled tube for arms, a ball for a head and a flat circular shape for the bonnet. 
  8. Dab on a bit of water to smooth out the surface of the clay doll before setting it aside for baking or air drying time.
  9. When your clay doll has dried, you can paint it with acrylics or watercolors.
  10. Seal the doll with a bit of varnish or clear nail polish.
This is what your doll could look life from different angles.
Air dry clay is perfect for shaping 
a doll to display in your room.

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