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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

O'Kissme San; a doll from Japan mini-book

Cover for "O'Kissme San A Doll From Japan"

       Here is a little doll book craft about a Japanese doll's adventures. Young visitors here may ask their teacher, guardian, or parent to print it out, fold the pages in half, glue together the blank pages and staple or tie miniature book together. Enjoy! Read the Terms of Use.

page 1.

page 2 .

page 3.

page 4.
page 5.
page 6.

page 7.

page 8.
page 9.
page 10.

page 11.
page 12.

page 13.

This is just one way to assemble mini-books. 
I will share more solutions in a future post.

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