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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Going To Bed


It isn't time to go to bed.
The clock goes round too quick;
It hurts my back to lie in bed,
And almost makes me sick.

I want to show my uncle George
My pretty birthday ring;
And sing him "Jesus loves me,"
For he likes to hear me sing;.

My dollie, Haddenewya,
Her yellow dress is thin,
And she's sitting on the horse-block,
I forgot to bring her in;

I want to go and get her, -
She'll catch a cold and die ;
I want to get my nankerchick,
I guess I'se got to cry.

I said I'd wait till papa comes,
I wonder what he'd think;
There's something hurts me in my throat,
I want to get a drink.

I guess I'd rather get it in
My little silver cup, -
What makes me have to go to bed
When you are staying up?

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