About This Web Journal

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The About Me Name Game

       Now you can play the name game on your doll's first day of school. Just download the About Me name tag below. Print as many as you have dolls to give them to. Fill out their personal likes and dislikes. Mix the tags up to see if your friends or family can tell which doll each name tag belongs to before you reveal her name. Write her name at the top of the name tag so everyone will know your doll's information. 
        I've included the questions our pretend teachers wrote on the classroom chalkboard for every doll to read and respond to on their first day of school. Our doll's responses along with their photo under each of their custom character descriptions will appear this month.
  • What is your age?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • What is your favorite book to read?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
All doll students are asked to fill out the "About Me" name tag on the first day of school.

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