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Monday, February 11, 2019

Our Dolls Host a Valentine's Day Party

       Our dolls are setting up a dining area for their Valentine's Day Party! There are so many things to get done before the sister's guests arrive. 
       You can play a game with the photographs once you print them out. Try to remember the order they appear in under this post. Once you can remember that information, try to remember the order of the things each doll sister says to one another, while they are busy working at preparing their party buffet table. Memory games such as these, help develop pre-reading skills in the very young.

"It is time to set up the buffet table for our Valentines Day Party! First let me straighten the wreath," said Zoe.
"Help me get the table in place, Elula," said Zoe. Elula is quick to help whenever Zoe is in charge.
"Now spread the tablecloth out neatly." Zoe can be very bossy at times because she is so much older.
"What pretty hearts,'' cooed Elula.
"This rose smells soooo sweet too! cried Elula.
"What a silly goose you are Elula; don't knock the vase over. It's too close to the edge of the table."
Zoe loves to playfully chastise her cute little sister.
"Perhaps we need to put a doily under that pitcher, just in case there is a small spill later Elula," says Zoe.
"Here is the basket of silverware," says Elula. "I think this spoon needs washing."
"My tummy is starting to ache! When can we cut this sheet cake?" cries Elula.
"Don't forget the cups, Zoe." says her little sister.
"The cupcakes and sheet cakes look scrumptious!" remarks Zoe.
 "Won't they be wonderful to eat, Elula?
"Humm, I think we're missing something, don't you little one?"
"I think it's the napkins that are missing! cried Elula.
"Oh dear," said Zoe, "Mother will need to make another quick trip to the store!"
See more Valentine Parties for Dolls:

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