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Sunday, March 31, 2019

DIY a Potted Privet Tree For A Doll's Patio

Left, Tape the hollow paper tube inside the pot. Right, the finished potted privet tree for our doll's patio garden.
       In order to craft this potted privet tree for a doll you will need to collect the following materials: a small pot of some kind, newsprint, Mod Podge, a fork, a hollow paper tube, decorative gravel/rocks, masking tape, brown and tan acrylic paints, white school glue, paper mache pulp and a plastic plant globe from your local hobby supply shop.

Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Tape the hollow paper tube inside the pot. Be generous with the tape.
  2. Crush newspapers or newsprint around the tube to stabilize it. 
  3. Use masking tape to cover both the paper tube and the crushed paper around the tube.
  4. Pour a generous amount of white glue on top of the ground cover around the trunk of the tree.
  5. Push a single layer of tiny rock into the glue to cover the masking tape.
  6. After the glue dries, and this will take several days, pour more glue on top of the rocks and let them dry again.
  7. Mix your paper mache pulp according to the instructions on the package. 
  8. Layer the pulp onto the paper tube and then drag a fork through the pulp from top to bottom of the tube. This will give the tree trunk a realistic texture. Let this dry. It will take quite a while if you don't set the project in the warm sunshine.
  9. After the paper pulp has hardened, paint it a solid dark brown color.
  10. When this paint is dry, take your brush and lightly cover the raised areas of 'tree bark' with a lighter shade of brown or tan. Repeat this step a third time with an even lighter color.
  11. Seal the trunk with Mod Podge.
  12. Now you can fit the plastic plant globe over the tube to make a convincing tree for your doll's patio garden. When you want to store the tree, remove the plant globe and keep it in a clean plastic bag.
Left, Crush newspapers or newsprint around the tube to stabilize it.
Right, Use masking tape to cover both the paper tube and the crushed paper around the tube.
Left, Layer the pulp onto the paper tube and then drag a fork through the pulp from top to bottom of the tube.
This will give the tree trunk a realistic texture. Right, Pour a generous amount of white
 glue on top of the ground cover around the trunk of the tree.
Left, After the paper pulp has hardened, paint it a solid dark brown color. Center and Right,
When this paint is dry, take your brush and lightly cover the raised areas of 'tree bark'
 with a lighter shade of brown or tan. Repeat this step a third time with an even lighter color.

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