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Sunday, March 31, 2019


by Crawford Neil

I hardly see you standing there,
Half in shadow, half in light,
Light winds brimming in your hair
That brushes fancies on my cheek.
Yet I have seen you every week
Since one a dozen moons ago,
And said the hard "Goodnight" I owe
To sleep-dulled eyes that look once more
Around the great, half open door;
I hardly see you, yet I see,
As in a haze of ecstasy,
A ghostly shadow made of you,
That bids me say goodnight anew,
A lock of hair that falls just now,
Upon the white and upright brow,
A glance which troubles me with pain
To say goodnight; again--again.
Then, half in shadow, half in light,
I whisper through the murmuring rain,
"Goodnight to you, dear soul, goodnight."

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