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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Relation of Stories to Play

       The relation of a child's play to his favorite stories has been made a special study by Prof. H. M. Burr of the Y. M. C. A. Training College at Springfield, Mass., with the idea of taking advantage of its possibilities in education. He has planned a graded course in stories as follows:
  1. Cultural/Ethnic stories, such as: myths, legends and folk-lore. Stories appealing to the imagination and illustrating the attempts of the child to explain the wonders of the world in which he lives. 
  2. Stories of nature; animal and plant stories. 
  3. Stories of individual prowess; hero-tales like Samson, Hercules, etc. 
  4. Stories of early inventions. 
  5. Stories of great leaders and patriots. Social heroes from Moses to Washington. 
  6. Stories of love, altruism, love of woman, love of country and home, love of beauty, truth, and God.
       He suggests the possibility of associating with these stories, as appropriate means of expression, activities as follows:
  • With nature-stories, myths, and legends would be associated tramps in the woods and every variety of nature-study; care of animals, plants, etc.
  • With stories of individual prowess would be associated the individualistic games, athletic and gymnastic work for the development of individual strength and ability; also constructive work of the more elementary type: work with clay, knife-work, basket-weaving, etc.
  • With the stories of great leaders and patriots would be associated games which involve team-play, leadership, obedience to leader, and subordination of self to the group.
  • With the altruistic stories would be associated altruistic efforts in behalf of boys and girls who are less favored.

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