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Monday, April 29, 2019

Craft a Watering Can For Your Doll's Garden

A finished sample of a paper mache watering can for our
American Girl Dolls to add to their garden supplies.
    You can craft your own watering can from recycled materials found at home. This one, however, is just for show, not for actual use!

 Supply List:
  • green spray paint or green acrylic paint
  • decorative floral or veggie themed paper (optional)
  • Mod Podge
  • frozen juice can 
  • plastic funnel shape
  • paper toilet role tube
  • masking tape
  • paper wrapped wire from coffee bean bag
  • permanent black ink pen or black acrylic paint
  • cardboard from a discarded cereal box 
  • hot glue gun and hot glue
Step-by-Step Directions:
  1. Cut a frozen juice can down to 2 1/2 inches. Cover it with masking tape.
  2. Cut from a piece of cardboard cereal box the top opening of your watering can and attach it to the recycled juice container with masking tape. While you do this, you might wish to bend this flimsy material in a slight arc. Many watering cans com with this dome shape. (see photos below)
  3. Now cut the toilet paper tube in half lengthwise and tape it into a funnel form. Cut and clip it down to the approximate size you would like for the watering can's spout. Mine measures three inches. 
  4. Attach the spout with masking tape.
  5. Use hot to attach the plastic funnel to the tip of the spout.
  6. Cut out a piece of circular cardboard to close the spout's end. Attach this with hot glue.
  7. Use you glue gun again to attach the handle to the backside of the watering can. I used a covered wire found ordinarily on coffee bean bags. These make sturdy handles for doll mache projects.
  8. Cover your doll's watering can with masking tape. See below.
  9. I then chose to spray paint the watering can. You could paint this using whatever paint you have on hand.
  10. Then I cut out some decorative scrap paper to decoupage on top of the painted can.
  11. I also used the tip end of a toothpick to add tiny black dots to my watering can's spout. 
  12. Make sure to use Mod Podge or similar clear drying glue to then seal all the surfaces of your doll's new garden tool.
The watering can is assembled from recycled pieces of plastic caps and paper tubes.

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