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Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sew Super Sweet Sleeping Bags for 18inch Dolls

American Girl Dolls camping out in our garden.
       To sew sleeping bags like these, you will first need to purchase candy novelty fabric from an online shop or a sewing store near you. My fabric came from a Joanne's sewing shop. I also lined my doll's sleeping bags to help prevent the stitching from unraveling over time. 
       I chose to quilt the top of my chocolate box, printed sleeping bag with straight machine stitches. You will need to purchase quilt batting to give this top stitching some additional dimension. Otherwise, you could line the inside of the sleeping bag with felt instead of quilt batting.
       I used inexpensive cotton felt to line the bubble gum quilt. Then I tied the lining and the printed fabric together instead of quilting it. This version of my alternative doll sleeping bag was far quicker and less expensive to craft.
       You will need approximately  20"x 6 1/2", novelty fabric to sew the outer portions of the sleeping bags. Also add an additional 1/2" seam allowance to that estimation. I lined my doll's sleeping bags with solid coordinating fabrics using the same measurements of fabric.
       To make your own versions of this kind of sleeping bag simply pin the right sides of the fabric print together and sew a straight seam around one long side and one end of the fabric, plus 2/3 of the way up the second longer half. Do the same for your cotton batting sheet or felt and the inside fabric as well. Insert the batting and interior fabric lining into the sleeping bag and then hand sew using a whipping stitch or invisible stitch to turn in 1/2" seam along the unfinished edges of the sleeping bag.
       I've included several links below to nice doll sleeping bag tutorials from the web. There are plenty of creative folks who have given more details about how to accomplish this popular doll craft already!
        I just wanted to show how the fabric may be chosen to include pillows that can match a theme when designing a doll's bedding or in this case doll sleeping bags.
Left, I chose a chocolate box candy cotton print for one sleeping bag and a bright, bold print of Double Bubble
chewing gum for the other. Right, I also chose to do a bit of machine quilt stitching on the top of the chocolate
box print, just for fun.
Left, close up of the Dubble Bubble novelty fabric. Right, I stitched a fleece pillow with matching colors and theme.
Included here are a large heart shaped pillow and a giant chocolate candy pillow with white icing made from soft twine.
Each pillow is designed to mimic the design elements of the novelty prints.
One of our American Girl Dolls is getting drowsy resting in a bed of Spring flowers.
Our Josefina doll has already fallen fast asleep. She is tucked inside a cozy bubble gum themed sleeping bag.
Here pillow is designed to look like a giant, wrapped piece of bubble gum!
More Doll Sized Sleeping Bags:

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