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Monday, May 27, 2019

War Ration Books from WWII

       These war rations books were issued to two of my family members, while they were children growing up during The Great Depression.
United States of America
War Ration Book One
  1. Punishments ranging as high as Ten Years' Imprisonment or $10,000 Fine, or Both, may be imposed under United States Statues for violations thereof arising out of infractions of Rationing Orders and Regulations.
  2. This book must not be transferred. It must be held and used only by or on behalf of the person to whom it has been issued, and anyone presenting it thereby represents to the Office of Price Administration, an agency of the United States Government, that it is being held and so used. For any misuse of this book it may be taken from the holder by the Office of Price Administration.
  3. In the event either of the departure from the United States of the person to whom this book is issued, or his or her death, the book must be surrendered in accordance with the Regulations.
  4. Any person finding a lost book must deliver it promptly to the nearest Ration Board.
World War II Rationing Books
War Rationing Books for The U.S. Homefront

My father and his sister used these rations to purchase their shoes
so that they would each have a pair to wear to school.

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