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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

A Christmas Day in My Childhood

By Charlotte M. Smith

       Ever since I had been a tiny tot, I had played school with every conceivable object. Even when I was sick in bed the figures on the wall-paper were my pupils. They interested me as much as real people.
       As I grew older my scholars were dolls, but it always seemed a great task to find enough desks and seats for them.
       One Christmas morning my brother and I ran joyfully into the living-room to see our tree and search its wondrous branches for the gifts Santa had left. We found them all, as I thought, and were happily amusing ourselves, when mother, who was watching all the fun, reminded me that the best of all was yet to be found.
       I hunted everywhere, and soon, in the corner of the room behind the door, I saw that for which I had longed and dreamed. Never as long as I live shall I forget the feeling of joy and happiness that went through me as I took my real little schoolroom.
       My uncle had made it for me out of cigar-boxes. There were chairs, desks, blackboard, and even window!

This Grandmother makes classroom furniture for her grandchildren.

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