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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Glamorous Figure Skating Attire from 1921

       "There has been a remarkable development of interest in the fine sport of figure skating in the United States and Canada. Some have called this a. revival or renaissance. To the writer it seems to be much more than a revival. The history of skating on this continent shows no time when there was any such interest in the serious study of the principles and theory of the sport as there is at this time. Never has there been a time when so many were seeking in skating not merely a pastime for outdoors but the right form and practise of that pastime. The difference between knocking a bit of wood around the ice with a stick and the modern highly developed game of hockey is not greater than the difference between "skating'' as our fathers knew it, and the recent scientific analysis of skating strokes and balances." Spalding, 1921
       The following glamorous figure skaters, in black and white photos, are dressed in: fur trims, velvet brocades, heavy stockings, and warm winter hats. Students may use them in their journals, lapbooks etc... However, the clip art on this blog is not to be redistributed on the web.

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