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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sculpt Miniature Lollipops for Dolloween!

Above you can see my Halloween versions of these lollipops
 in green/orange and green/purple.

       To make these sweet doll sized lollipops you will need the following supplies: toothpicks with one flat end, Sculpey oven bake clay in two contrasting colors, white school glue, acrylic paints, glitter glue, and Mod Podge.
       Roll out two contrasting colors of clay, with the palms of your hands, into the shapes of long, thin snakes. Then twist these two snakes together to create one larger snake shape with a pattern that looks like a candy can stripe. Now turn this snake around itself to make the lolly pop top. (see photo below.)
       Poke the sharp end tip of a cocktail toothpick into the bottom center of the lollipop top. Pull it out again and squeeze a bit of white school glue onto the sharp tip. Reinsert the toothpick into the candy top. 
       Bake the lollipops at 275 degrees for three minutes, according to the directions found on the package of Sculpey. Let the doll candies cool inside the oven after you have baked these.
       Now you may paint and decorate the lolly pops with glitter glue and seal their surfaces with Mod Podge before playing with them.

Because Sculpey is so expensive, I decided to purchase only green as a contrasting color to the white.
I painted the white areas of the lollipops orange and purple and left the green alone. These were the
 colors of Halloween; see the photo above. Then I painted the white areas of clay red and left the
green for Christmas variations of the same craft. By doing this extra painting, instead of buying more
colors of Sculpey, I saved approximately nine dollars.


  1. Cool idea to color the white instead of buying more clay! I wanted to do some candies for the dolls' Halloween, but am short on funds, so this will help a lot. :)

  2. Yup, got to pinch those pennies sometimes...


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