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Saturday, November 23, 2019

The New Year

by Luranah Hammond

I am the baby New Year;
Fair, innocent and good,
If people will but use me
The way that people should.

Then will I be a blessing,
And never prove a curse,
But keep on growing better.
Instead of growing worse.

And I have gifts to offer,
Three hundred and sixty-five,
To everyone I'll give them,
As sure as you're alive.

As long as you are living
I'll give you seven a week.
But one at once, remember;
No use for more to speak.

Be careful how you use them;
Oh, keep them bright and fair.
They all are pure and perfect
When given to your care.

Let never one be wasted;
These gifts that I bestow
You cannot keep forever;
Enjoy them ere they go.

Then when to you I've given
The last one that I hold,
No more with you I tarry,
But, like a king grown old -

My subjects and my kingdom
I give unto the care
Of him that cometh after
My kingly crown to wear.

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