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Friday, December 13, 2019

A Jewish Home...

A Jewish Home
by Jessie Sampter

I think that it is very fine
To have a Jewish home like mine,
Where every Friday evening shine
The lovely Sabbath lights.
To bless them, mother hides her face;
And loaves and wine at father's place
For Kiddush stand, and books for grace
That each of us recites.

I have a mother kind and sweet,
Who keeps her things for milk and meat
Each in its place and each complete,
Arranged on separate shelves,
And Pesach dishes bright and clean,
That only once a year are seen,
And gladly wait the months between
In places by themselves.

When I am grown and married, too,
I know exactly what I'll do,
Because, you wee, I am a Jew,
And mother teaches me:
I, too, shall bless the Sabbath light,
And keep my dishes clean and bright,
And teach my children what is right,
And what a home should be.

Light the Sabbath candles and pray.

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