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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Craft Doll Sized Party Horns

Doll sized party horns made from paper
 scraps and cardboard.
       Every doll needs a party horn to blow at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve! Although our versions do not make noise, I'm sure that little people will have just as much fun imitating horn noises for their dolls with these.

Supply List:
  • thin cardboard
  • decorative paper
  • masking tape
  • Mod Podge
  • white school glue
  • scissors
  • white typing paper
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Cut half circles from cardboard to roll over the end of a pencil and shape into party horns. (approx. 2 1/2") Work the cardboard over the pencil till it is soft so that the horns will shape nicely. 
  2. Cover these little party horns with masking tape.
  3. Use white glue or Mod Podge to stick on the decorative papers. Layer both the inside and outside of each party horn with the glue and let these dry.
  4. Cut a long piece of white typing paper for the fringe at the larger end of each horn. Snip the fringe along one side of the paper.
  5. Glue the fringe at the edge of the party horns and let dry. See photos below for reference.
Left, cardboard horns shaped over a pencil, then taped and glued in place.
Right paper mache party horns for 18" dolls. The fringe is shown as well.

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