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Friday, December 27, 2019

New Year's Wishes . . . 1887

To One who has had Great Troubles.
Though clouds across thy Christmas skies
Have cast their shadows dark and drear,
May God's fair sunshine soon arise,
And light and peace from Paradise
Make glad thy fresh New-Year!

A Little Child to his Grandfather or Grandmother.
Happy New-Year, grandpapa!
Hear the sweet bells ringing;
Little angels, grandpapa,
In the skies are singing.

Bells and angels, grandpapa,
With your grandchild's greeting,
Happy New- Year, grandpapa!
Are to-day repeating.

A Little Child's New- Year Wish to an Aunt.
This very little wish
With gladness I bring here:
"Oh! may this be,
Dear aunt, to thee,
A good and bright New- Year!''
(From the German.)

To the Family.
Another spotless page is turned
In the dusty book of Time;
And softly on the frosty air
Rings out the New-Year's chime.

Let hearts grow glad, and eyes grow bright,
This merry winter morn;
Cast care away, and in the soul
Let peace and joy be born.

A Little Boy to His Parents.
Behold a very little boy
Who wishes to you
In simple words of heart-
felt joy,
A happy, bright New-

I know you will be very
If now you find in me
A better and a wiser
Than once I used to

May Heaven grant you blest increase
Of joys ne'er known before;
And may God give you health and peace,
To-day, and evermore!
( From the German.)

To Grandmamma on New- Year's Day.
On all thy ways God's blessing shine,
And quiet days be ever thine.
(From the German.)

New- Year's Greeting to Parents 
who have Lost and Suffered Much.
That the New Year just beginning
Shed upon you purest bliss;
That it give you back the fullness
Of your heart's lost happiness;
And that Heaven, your life defending,
Keep you from all grief and care, -
This, dear parents, is our greeting;
This, your little children's prayer.
(From the French.)

A New-Year Wish.
Year after year,
May God grant to you
Blessings most dear,
And joys ever new!
(From the German.)

A Little Boy's New- Year Wish.
My dear little wish is as tiny as I,
Two lines will express it to thee:
May kind Heaven bless thee ! May kind
Heaven keep thee,
All healthy and merry for me!
(From the German.)

Little Children to their Parents.
New-Year's Day has come at last,
And the Old Year safely passed;
Dearest papa, mamma sweet,
Bless your children at your feet.
As a proof of tenderness,
And of simple happiness,
From these hearts obedient,
Take this humble compliment.
(From the French.)

To Grandfather.
Dear grandpapa, the best of boys,
I come to wish you here
A Christmas full of sweetest joys,
A bright and glad New- Year.

With the Gift of a Cup
When you put this to your lips
And a draught of water drink,
While you bless your New-Year's gift,
Of its giver fondly think.

A Child to its Widowed Mother, 
the First New Year's Day after its Father's Death.
Although in sorrow and distress
We mourn with thee a father's loss,
A Heav'nly Father we possess,
Who lightens every cross.

Twas He who took our papa hence,
But left us still a mother dear ;
And He will be the best of friends
To bless our bright New-Year.

Then, dearest Mamma, let us lean
In faith upon His loving arm;
Our Father and our Friend unseen
Will keep us from all harm.
(From the French.)

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