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Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Spinning-Wheel At Rest

The Spinning-Wheel At Rest
The Day's Work is Done
by Edward A. Jenks
All day we heard it humming
Like softly falling snow,
And busy feet were coming,
Going, to and fro,
One hand upon the whirling wheel,
One playing with the whirring steel.

All day we heard it spinning:
Its song of love and cheer
Was sweet from the beginning:
But listen! you shall hear
Another voice, as clear and low
As songs from roses when they blow.

All day the sweet-voiced spinner
And her wheel sing soft and low:
Warm love-light burns within her -
Her cheeks like roses glow:
The tea-kettle takes up the song,
And shakes his cap with laughter long.

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