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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

DIY Doll Sized Jiffy Pop!

Doll sized Jiffy Pop popcorn craft using styrofoam and aluminum foil.
Don't forget to brush on a little glue and sprinkle transparent glitter on
top to add a bit of faux 'salt' for flavor!
       How fun is this? This craft is not only incredibly cute but it is also very easy to assemble! The supply list is long but most crafters will have these items on hand. 
       If you don't have the foam beads, which may be purchased at a dollar store, you can just as easily rip up tiny pieces of foam from larger peanut shapes.
       Two types of paper egg cartons are not necessary if you have a two inch diameter styrofoam ball. If you are making this popcorn craft for a Barbie, just use a 1inch foam ball  for the Jiffy Pop shape and a pop bottle cap for the tray.

Cut pieces from two types of paper egg cartons if you are crafting the 
first Design option.
Supply List:
  • tiny white foam beads
  • aluminum foil
  • egg carton(s)
  • Styrofoam ball (optional)
  • white tissue paper
  • tacky white glue
  • black and pale yellow acrylic paint
  • masking tape
  • thin gauge wire or large paper clips
  • small wire cutters
  • Mod Podge
  • transparent glitter (for the salt on popcorn)
Left, side view of finished Jiffy Pop craft on a 18inch doll size stove top. Center, view of Jiffy Pop food toy from
above. Right, two design variations side by side. Design 1 is left, Design 2 is right. You can also make examples
of unpopped Jiffy Pop for your doll's pantry. Simply cut a few extra shallow egg cups and crush aluminum foil
to line the inside with. Glue a clipped wire handle between these two layers.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Design 1 - using two types of egg cartons and tissue paper.
  1. Cut pieces from two types of egg cartons for the first craft option. (pictured above)
  2. Bend thin gauge wire into approx. three inch length and clip or unbend a large paper clip and clip off one looped end.
  3. Bend down the tips and hot glue these into the shallow cut egg cup. Reinforce this bent wire handle with masking tape on the inside of the egg cup. This will be the doll's wire handle for her Jiffy Pop.
  4. Paint the out side of the egg cup black.
  5. Now crush the white tissue paper into a ball shape and tape it firmly with masking tape. 
  6. Glue the tissue ball inside a second cut, larger egg cup.
  7. Cut a 5"x5" square from the aluminum foil and wrap this up and around the second cup. 
  8. Leaving open the top 1/3 of the wrap, crush and shape the outer edges of the foil. Clip these edges as you desire.
  9. Fill the opening for the doll's Jiffy Popped Popcorn with tacky glue and tiny white foam beads.
  10. After the foam beads have dried, dab a tiny amount of pale yellow paint on top for that melted buttery popcorn look if you wish.
  11. Mod Podge the foam beads and exposed egg cup.
Left and Center, back and front of, a 5"x5" square from the aluminum foil and wrap this up
 and around a styrofoam ball. Right, Leaving open the top 1/3 of the wrap,
crush and shape the outer edges of the foil. Clip these edges as you desire.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Design 2 - with a styrofoam ball.
  1. Cut pan shaped pieces from an egg carton.
  2. Bend thin gauge wire into approx. three inch length and clip or unbend a large paper clip and clip off one looped end.
  3. Bend down the tips and hot glue these into the shallow cut egg cup. Reinforce this bent wire handle with masking tape on the inside of the egg cup. This will be the doll's wire handle for her Jiffy Pop.
  4. Paint the out side of the egg cup black.
  5. Cut a 5"x5" square from the aluminum foil and wrap this up and around a styrofoam ball.
  6. Leaving open the top 1/3 of the wrap, crush and shape the outer edges of the foil. Clip these edges as you desire.
  7. Fill the opening for the doll's Jiffy Popped Popcorn with tacky glue and tiny white foam beads.
  8. After the foam beads have dried, dab a tiny amount of pale yellow paint on top for that melted buttery popcorn look if you wish.
  9. Mod Podge the foam beads and exposed egg cup.
       Jiffy Pop is a popcorn brand of ConAgra Foods. The product combines popcorn kernels, oil, and flavoring agents with a heavy-gauge aluminum foil pan. Jiffy Pop is one of the only popcorn brands that continues to sell popcorn in this form.
       Original Jiffy Pop packages used a plain, bright aluminum pan. This was eventually replaced by an aluminum pan with a black treatment on the outside to improve heat transfer. Also, although at one time a "Natural" flavor and a Jiffy Pop Microwave Popcorn version was manufactured, as of 2016 Jiffy Pop is offered in only one stovetop version, Butter Flavor Popcorn.
1970s Jiffy Pop commercial

       Jiffy Pop has run television commercials dating back at least to 1967. In one commercial, a genie appears and gives two children Jiffy Pop to eat. The slogan was repeated several times to highlight the fact that Jiffy Pop is "as much fun to make as it is to eat".

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