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Saturday, February 8, 2020

DIY a Mosaic Doll Sofa Table

Somebody has been eating cake at our sofa table!
       To make this 18" doll craft you will need to acquire a candle stand similar to the one you see pictured here. It is made of wood and looks something like a picture frame with two inch legs attached. It was stained when I purchased it from a resale shop for about a dollar.
Left, choose a really tough grout for this project! This black grout was tough enough to hold
 the tiny tile pieces in place without extra glue. Right, you can see how I pushed a random 
pattern into the grout.
       I happened to have black grout in the garage so I decided to paint the candle stand a flat black to go with this supply. I pressed a random pattern into the grout, as the directions on the grout bag suggested, using some pearlescent mosaic shells pieces once acquired from Michaels hobby store.
       Then I sealed the mosaic surface with Mod Podge and waited to see if my efforts would turn out. I think the colors will blend in nicely with a couch idea I have yet to craft for our 18" dolls.
Left, the sofa table top is finished. Right, I added a generous layer of Mod Podge
 to the top to prevent damage during play. It dried clear.
More Mosaic Crafts from The Web:

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