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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

DIY Cardboard Plates for 18" Dolls

Green and white print dishes for our doll's St. Patrick's Day Celebration.
       These cardboard doll plates are so easy to assemble and then layer decorative papers on top for effect. You can choose any designs you like, for any or all of the holidays. Make a set of dishware for everyday use and extra sets for the change of season. Your only limited by your imagination and your cardboard supply.
       I used a white tacky glue for assembling the cardboard pieces that I cut from the template below. Then I layered on the decorative paper with Mod Podge. This technique is called decoupage.
       Mod Podge is a relatively tough glue that will hold up to all kinds of play inside your doll's kitchen. And when the dishes wear out, you can simply make more!

Cardboard cutouts for our doll's dishes before they are assembled.
Templates for a service plate and a dinner plate for 18" dolls. Remember
you may size these down for other dolls by dragging the template 
into a Word Doc File and clicking on the image to drag the corners.

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