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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Deserted Homes

Deserted Homes 
by Hattie Washborn

With footsteps screaming o'er the snow,
I walk in the piercing air,
Where winds are sighing soft and low
Through the branches brown and bare.

The homes are all deserted now
Of the friends I held so dear,
The nest clings to the naked bough,
The birds are no longer here.

Slow sways the bough of green bereft,
Where the thrush at evening sung,
And but a few frail twigs are left
Where the wild dove reared her young.

There in the tree-top bleak and high
Sways the grackles empty nest
Where her young, e'er thy learned to fly
Nestled 'neath her sable breast.

The kingbird's home for days has lain,
A sad ruin in the snow,
And nests for which I searched in vain,
Now in bushes plainly show.

The yellow warbler's small abode
Hangs dismantled in the cold.
Where silver notes in beauty flowed
From an instrument of gold.

As in a volume worn and old,
One finds blossoms old and dry,
But on whose leaves are stories told
Of happier days gone by.

So in each empty nest I find,
A memory of some sweet lay
That wakes an echo in my mind
Though the singer is far away.

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