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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Moonlight In The Evergreens

Moonlight In The Evergreens 
by Charles C. West

The voices in the wood are hushed, though zephers yet combine
And sigh among the evergreens, and whisper in the pine;
The snow is blown from off the trees where icy drops are seen
Shining as the moon comes out like pearls upon the green.

Though all is quiet in the glade, so white with crusted snow,
High up in space before the moon the winds yet freely blow,
While swiftly pass, clouds thin and white, and some of leaden hue
By many a light, bright golden star in spots of azure blue.

The silvery moon comes shining out almost as light as day,
When leaden clouds chase off the light and hide it far away;
Then follows thin white gauzy clouds, and o'er her bright face sail
As oft as breezes lift them off as light as bridal veil.

 Beside the trees all down the glade, the wavy shadows play,
As now the moon bursts fully out and lightens up the way;
It beams upon the many drops now frozen on the trees
Like diamonds, hanging from the buds and sparkling in the breeze.

The last white cloud goes sailing by and disappears from view;
The brightest stars come twinkling out from heaven's arch of blue;
The heavenly orb lights up the glade, and brightens all the way,
A little song-bird now awakes and sings "'tis coming day."

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