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Tuesday, June 16, 2020



October's days are pleasant,
The fields are clad in brown,
The forest leaves are golden,
And nuts are dropping down.

The air is pure and restful,
The nights draw on apace -
The sun has lost his ardor
And kindly veiled his face.

And now amid the gloaming
Is heard a cheerful voice -
'Tis Autumn's gracious spirit.
That bids all hearts rejoice.

It sings of fruitful gardens,
Of laden orchard trees,
And smiles on gathered sweetness,
Stored by the industrious bees.

It sings of earth's rich treasures,
Of granaries filled again;
Of herds of rounded fatlings,
That grow but to be slain;

Of vineyards dark and purple,
That ripened now appear,
To greet the taste of pleasure
With Autumn's gracious cheer;

Of the fullness of the bounty
Of nature's ample store -
Of blessings for her children
Poured 'round them evermore;

Of hearts that beat responsive
In Labor's happy homes,
Rejoicing with the Spirit,
As round the earth it roams.
October 25, 1883.

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