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Friday, August 14, 2020

30 Tiny Floral Embroidery Ideas for Doll Clothes

      The floral examples on this plate are given as suggestions for motifs to be worked into groups, borders, and patterns. Each one is worked on a geometrical construction or from the construction of the stitches, and in no case is a drawing necessary. The color and form of most of them are impressions of wild flowers. It has been necessary to limit the descriptive details to the colors and the names of the stitches used, but study of the photograph should make the working clear.
Embroider these 30 miniature flowers on any doll's
apron or dress to embellish it for Spring!
  1. Three scarlet berry-stitches.
  2. Orange buttonhole, knot center, and green fern stem.
  3. Green coral stem, detached-chain, and fly-stitches, with flowers of orange and red detached-chain. 
  4. Green detached-chain leaves, flowers of cyclamen, and mauve detached-chain and fly-stitch stems. 
  5. Crimson coral  stem, green fly-stitch, and cyclamen detached-chain florets. 
  6. Green coral stem, fly-stitch, and detached-chain, with flowers of yellow fly-stitch and orange detached-chain. 
  7. Green fly-stitch stem, pale-blue detached-chain flowers, orange cross-stitch center and deep-blue detached-chain buds. 
  8. Jade detached-chain leaves and fly-stitch stem, flowers of mauve petal-stitch and blue fly-stitch. 
  9. Deep- blue petal-stitch, green detached-chain leaves. 
  10. Yellow detached-chain, jade fly-stitch stem. 
  11. Mauve detached-chain flower with orange knot center, green tail-chain and cable. 
  12. Crimson paired-buttonhole circle. 
  13. Mauve detached-chain flower, green fly-stitch stem. 
  14. Green thorn-stitch stem, graduated pink flowers of twisted-chain spirals. 
  15. Stem of green fern-stitch flower of green tail-chain with orange wave-stitch edging. 
  16. Green chain-feather and cyclamen French-knots. 
  17. Green thorn-stitch stem, crimson buttonhole, green coral ring and blue French-knot center. 
  18. Orange coral knot rings with green detached-chain leaves. 
  19. Green fern-stitch and detached-chain, flowers scarlet detached-chain with black French-knot centers. 
  20. Green coral and detached-chain, flower yellow cable with orange straight-stitches and twisted-chain buds. 
  21. Green coral, detached-chain and fly-stitch, mauve detached-chain buds and flowers with yellow
    straight-stitch centers. 
  22. Jade fern-stitch, straight-stitch, and laid-stitch leaves, flowers pale and mid-blue detached-chain. 
  23. Green fern-stitch, tail-chain and fly-stitch, flowers pale and mid-pink tail-chain and detached-chain. 
  24. Pink detached-chain round green twisted-chain spiral. 
  25. Green detached-chain, blue buttonhole, and mauve detached-chain. 
  26. Gold-brown detached-chain and coral, orange rosette, scarlet straight-stitches and berry-stitches. 
  27. Green coral and detached-chain, mauve tail and cyclamen detached-chain. 
  28. Trefoil of green petal-stitch. 
  29. Jade detached-chain and straight-stitch, blue rosette flower and buds, pink knot centers. 
  30. Green Romanian-fern and scarlet berries.
Visit Excellent Embroidery Channels for Doll's Clothes at YouTube:

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