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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Agnus & Ruby Rescued from Resale!

      Agnus pictured here in a faded black dress and right, in red, is Ruby. These old gals were rescued from a dusty and forgotten toy box at a local resale shop. Both are sock dolls and I think they were sewn in the 1940s or 50s? In any case, they are safe now and have plenty of opportunities to relax, drink tea and gossip with a variety of travel dolls. They no longer need fear the trash heap.
      Great Aunt Marlene donated the lovely pocket watch pin to Agnus. I think it suites her attire. She is a bit elderly and sometimes forgets to wake from a nap for afternoon tea. The pocket watch should come in handy!
       Agnus and Ruby are immigrant sock dolls to our family's collection. But they are greatly esteemed by other sock dolls in the playroom. Each has a unique story and adventure to tell! They have endured many hardships at the hands of romping toddlers with sticky fingers and have met many dust bunnies beneath antique Victorian furnishings. But now they have earned pleasant retirement and merely live vicariously through the trials of more contemporary playthings.

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