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Monday, August 3, 2020

General Prayers For Little Children

First Prayer
Though, dearest Lord, you dwell on high,
You hear all children when they cry;
Then view me with a smiling face,
And ever guide me by your grace.

For Jesus' sake my sins forgive,
And for your glory may I live;
O make me lowly, pure in heart,
Then take me home where you are. Amen.

Second Prayer
My Savior, who is meek and mild,
Look down and see a little child,
Obedient at your footstool stay,
And help me by your grace to pray.

Teach me to understand your word,
And wash me in your precious blood.
A faithful lamb I want would be;
Assist me, Lord, to look to thee. Amen.

Third Prayer
Lord, look upon a little child,
By nature sinful, rude and wild;
Oh! let your grace descend on me,
And make me all I ought to be.

Make me your child, a child of God,
Washed in the Savior's precious blood,
And my whole heart set free from sin,
A little vessel full of Christ within;

A star of early dawn and bright,
Shining within your sacred light;
A beam of grace to all around,
A little spot of hallowed ground.

Dear Savior, take me to your breast,
And bless me that I may be blest;
Both when I wake, and when I sleep,
Your little lamb in safety keep. Amen.

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