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Monday, August 10, 2020


"Oh, doctor! come quick! Rebecca has a chill!"

I have a doll, Rebecca,
She’s quite a little care,
I have to press her ribbons
And comb her fluffy hair.

I keep her clothes all mended,
And wash her hands and face,
And make her frocks and aprons,
All trimmed in frills and lace.

I have to cook her breakfast,
And pet her when she’s ill;
And telephone the doctor
When Rebecca has a chill.

Rebecca doesn’t like that,
And says she’s well and strong;
And says she’ll try—oh! very hard,
To be good all day long.

But when night comes, she’s nodding;
So into bed we creep
And snuggle up together,
And soon are fast asleep.

I have no other dolly,
For you can plainly see,
In caring for Rebecca,
I’m busy as can be!

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