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Friday, November 20, 2020

3 Comforting Casseroles for A Doll's Thanksgiving Dinner

Lower Left, our Green Bean Casserole with crunchy onions.
        These tiny doll sized casseroles make perfectly cute additions to any festive holiday table! The dishes are made from discarded condiment containers that you can find in a fast food restaurant or your local super market. Save them after you eat and wash them with them out using hot soapy water. Soon you will have a nice new set of casserole to serve up a comforting, hardy meal to your dolls this winter.

Supply List:

  • discarded, recycled plastic condiment containers
  • decorative paper
  • white typing paper
  • masking tape
  • tissue paper
  • Sculpey clay, or alternative oven-bake clay
  • acrylic paints: orange, yellow, white, tan, brown and green
  • Mod Podge
  • white school glue
  • orange glitter glue (optional)

Step-by-Step Directions:

  1.  Crush tissue paper to fill in each little recycled condiment almost to the top edge. This will make your finished casseroles look full of food without using too much of the costly clay.
  2. Layer masking tape on top of the inside neatly and also all around the outside surface of each condiment.
  3. Heat up your oven according to the baking instructions on the clay package.
  4. Meanwhile shape the clay into long thin carrots, flat tiny disks for the scalloped potatoes, tiny thin rolls for the green beans and finally open and flattened donut shapes for the onion ring topping that will go on top of the green bean casserrole. Bake in the oven.
  5. Using the white school glue, paste and stack the shaped clay pieces into the top insides of your condiments. Do not glue on the onions to the green beans until after these have been painted.
  6. Let the glue harden overnight.
  7. Using acrylic paints and a tiny brush: apply paint colors to each tiny food as it pleases you. Then glue the onions on top of the green beans and let this casserole dry over night again before finishing the paint on the onions.
  8. Apply also a small amount of orange glitter glue to the caramelized carrots for effect. 
  9. Shred white typing paper and apply a few layers of it to the outside areas of the condiment dishes.
  10. Then cut a final decorative paper edge for you faux dishes to paste around the outer edge. See photograph above.
  11. Cover the entire surface, both inside and out with Mod Podge and rotate these applications as your doll's casseroles dry.

Step-by-Step photos of Caramelized Carrot Casserole for Thanksgiving.

Step-by-Step photos of A Scalloped Potato Casserole for your dolls dinner.

What the casseroles look like before adding the paper mache to the outside of the dish.

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