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Monday, November 2, 2020

Cut and Paste A Mosaic Floor

Finished tile floor for our 24"x48" dollhouse kitchen.

       Here you can see that I have just finished the construction of our 18" dollhouse floor, for the kitchen. This floor is very inexpensive to make and easy enough for a ten year old child to craft! Most of you will have easy access to the supplies if you live in the U.S. Save up those used cereal boxes! Because our dollhouse floors are so large, the cardboard tile application is perfect. This floor is not too heavy at all.

Supply List:

  • cardboard from Cereal boxes (to cut the tiles from)
  • cardboard cut to the exact measurements of your dollhouse floor
  • white school glue
  • spray paint primer (grey)
  • patching plaster
  • clear acrylic sealer
  • additional books and cardboard to weight the floor down between applications
  • sharp scissors
Tiles made from cardboard clippings cut and pasted in a loose geometric arrangement.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Measure the floor space of your dollhouse kitchen and cut a thick piece of cardboard to fit into it exactly. This will be the piece that you will glue tile shapes to.
  2. Cut a variety of square and rectangle shapes from the cardboard cereal boxes you have collected. You may wish to keep all of these cardboard "tiles" in neat stacks according to shape and size. I found that this organization of shapes helped me to work quickly while assembling the floor tile.
  3. Use dabs of white school glue to paste your tile designs on top of the cardboard flooring. Do not use too much glue and work in large areas. It took me several days to cover the floor you see above. Between drying times, I weighted the cardboard down with heavy books. This kept the floor from warping while drying.
  4. Spray paint the entire floor's surface outside using a primer. This will seal the cardboard so that you can successfully apply patching plaster. Choose a color of primer that you want the majority of your tiles to be. I chose grey. 
  5. Use acrylic paints to add random tile colors if your wish. You may need to give these color tiles several coats of paint.
  6. Apply the patching plaster as directed on the label. However, wipe down the surfaces with only a slightly moist cloth, barely damp. Let the plaster harden inside the cracks only.
  7. Touch up with paints if needed
  8. Spray the entire surface again with a clear acrylic sealer.
  9. Fit the tile floor into your dollhouse kitchen.
More Dollhouse Tile DIY:

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