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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dolly's Lesson

"Teaching the alphabet to her doll..."

Dolly's Lesson

Come here, you nignoramus!
I'm 'shamed to have to 'fess
You don't know any letter 
'Cept just your cookie S.

Now listen, and I'll tell you:
This round hole's name is O;
And when you put a tail in,
It makes Q, you know.

And if it has a front door
To walk in at, it's C;
Then make a seat right here
To sit on, and it's G.

And this tall letter, dolly,
Is I, and stands for me;
And when it puts a hat on,
It makes a cup o' T.

And curly I is J, dear,
And half of B is P;
And E without his slippers on
Is only F, you see!

You turn A upside downward,
And people call it V;
And if it's twins, like this one,
W 'twill be.

Now, dolly, when you learn 'em,
You'll know a great big heap-
Most much's I -O dolly!
I b'lieve you've gone asleep!

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