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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Make Peppermint Striped Earmuffs

       You can make these peppermint candy stripped ear muffs for your very own American Girl Doll this winter to keep her warm and cozy for Christmas.

Supply List:
  • red ribbon
  • white cotton balls
  • chenille stems
  • plastic suction hooks (dollar store)
  • white fur scraps
  • needle and matching thread
  • cotton batting sheet, scrap
  • masking tape
  • white school glue
  • white felt

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Remove the hook parts from the two suction cups that you will be using for the ear muffs. 
  2. Bend a couple of chenille stems through the holes on the outside of the suctions cups. Bend these to properly fit over the top of your doll's head. You can twist the left over wire around themselves to strengthen the headband attachment.
  3. Wrap the suction cups with masking tape and then apply a bit of white glue to wrap a single layer of cotton batting around this suction cup.
  4. Also glue half of a cotton ball to the inside of the cup to create a bit of padding for the inside of the earmuff. Let the glue dry.
  5. Wrap the headband with additional cotton and finish it neatly with a cut sheet of batting. (see photo below.) I used a needle and thread to securely sew the cotton batting fabric/cotton ball to the headband.
  6. Wrap the red ribbon around the headband of the ear muffs and tack it in place with a needle and thread.
  7. Cut and sew scraps of white fur to the outside areas of the ear muffs and also finish the inside of the muffs with white felt. 
  8. Cover your doll's ears with the finished ear muffs to keep them warm at Christmas time!

 Left, Bend a couple of chenille stems through the holes on the outside of the suctions cups. Bend these to properly fit over the top of your doll's head. Center, You can twist the left over wire around themselves to strengthen the headband attachment. Right, the finished result.

 Left, secure the wrapped areas with a threaded needle. Center, Wrap the suction cups with masking tape. Right, and then apply a bit of white glue to wrap a single layer of cotton batting around this suction cup.

 Left, glue half of a cotton ball to the inside of the cup to create a bit of padding for the inside of the earmuff. Center, gluing the cotton ball down. Right, see how the thread is used to tack down the cotton around the suction cups; then the ribbon is wrapped around the headband.

Left, the close up of the suction cup hook. Center the finished earmuffs. Right, our American Girl Doll Kit wears her peppermint stripped earmuffs to keep warm outside!

More Earmuff Crafts:

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