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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Turn A Bookcase Into A Dollhouse

Dollhouse made using a bookcase 46" tall.
       I turned a child's small bookcase into a dollhouse using recycled cardboard, wrapping paper and lino tiles. . . plus a whole lot of white school glue! 
       The top two floors of our dollhouse are constructed with heavy cardboard, the two lower floors are the original wooden bookcase. The top may be slipped on and off for storage.
       The windows of the dollhouse were constructed using two very shallow boxes and cardboard cut grids. Both have slits at the top and photos may be slipped in and out of these to change the views seen from the interior of the dollhouse rooms.
       The second floor of the dollhouse has a tiled floor made up of samples of linoleum. These were grouted to the shelf permanently. The other floors were decoupaged using a faux printed paper made to look like actual wooden floors. 
       I layered scalloped-cut cardboard to mimic roof tiles on the sides of the dollhouse only. 
       I will post the rooms as these are decorated with refinished doll furnishings and/or newly made furniture from recycled materials. Meanwhile, why not take a look at a few miniature crafts of furnishings here at our blog?

Bookcase portion of the dollhouse without it's top two floors.
The "A" frame part of the dollhouse with two floors beneath the roof in front of the bookcase.

Close up photos of the bookcase dollhouse details showing trim work, floors, windows and walls.

More Bookcase Transformations by Everyday People:

Additional Doll Homes Made by Master Miniaturists:

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