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Sunday, April 11, 2021

DIY A Runway For Your Fashion Dolls

The finished doll runway with stage, curtain and catwalk.

   I made this smaller version of a doll stage and catwalk from a cardboard trifold, wrapping paper, extra cardboard, white school glue, some pre-cut letters, a plastic table cloth and a bit of left-over decorative printed cardboard which is optional. 
   First, you will need to cut the trifold to the desired height. Ours measures fourteen inches tall. I also cut the doorways on both sides of my trifold and these measure 3 1/4 " x 13". Then I cut additional cardboard to reinforce my trifold on its outside parameter and attached these sheets with glue. You do not need to do this step if your trifold is durable. Ours was exceptionally flimsy, so it was necessary.
   Cover all of the surfaces with decorative paper of your choice. 
   Next you will then need to cut a header to fit the top of the stage. It can be as wide or narrow as you like. Mine measures 4"x19" and is notched approx. 1 1/4" in from the outer edge on both ends. Test this notch to ensure that the header will slip perfectly over the side walls of you trifold. I cut two of these, one decorated with the name of our dolls runway "fashion now" and the second to hold up a temporary curtain. I chose not to combine the curtain with the decorative header because I want our young friends to have the option of switching the runway into a fashion boutique without the curtains. However, you could tape the curtains directly to one header and omit the second altogether. I've included some detailed photos of how the curtain is attached to the header with masking tape below.
       I cut several layers of cardboard to shape our doll's catwalk measuring 5" x13". It has narrow sides measuring 1/2" around the lengths and one end. The end that attaches to the stage is left open and extends by approximately 1" over the edge of the stage. Both the stage and the catwalk are attached with a strip of Velcro. The stage has a slight curve and it decoupaged with yellow paper. It was made by cutting a simple template and doubling up two pieces of scratch cardboard and gluing these together.
       I can break down this little vignette for our 12" fashion dolls in seconds and store it flat under a bed, or upright in the back of a child's closet or set it flat on a top closet shelf easily. 

The cardboard catwalk faced with decorative scraps cut from doll packaging.

The trifold left, front side and right, back side. The front has side exits and entrances to the stage.
Trifolds sold at dollar stores or other similar suppliers like Walmart.

Above see the velcro strips attached with tacky white glue for the catwalk to fit neatly in place.

Left, the trifold runway is open showing cut doorways. Right, the center stage is in position.

Left are two headers, one with a curtain, the other with the sign. Center, the curtain is
attached with masking tape and glue on the back side of the header; all of this is then
covered up with yellow paper and glue. Our curtains were cut from plastic sheeting
found at the dollar store. These measured 12 1/2" in length. Right, is a detail of the card-
board lettering. I only had one "o" so I used a cut flower for the second in the
word "now". 

Left, you can see all of the runway broken down, laying flat. It takes up very little space.
Right the first header with curtain hangs on the sides of the trifold.

The runway and catwalk set up and seen from different angles.


  1. This is great! I was looking for information on DIY fashion doll catwalk or stage for Barbie and Fashion Royalty dolls. Your post is the only one that I have found that is close to what I am looking for. I am glad that I found it.

  2. I hope your version will be as fun to make as this one was for us! Sounds like it will be, enjoy Roxy.


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