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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Mattel's Fashionista Dolls

A selection of Barbie Fashionistas, plus 124 new in the box. Dolls are dressed in street clothes. All
 Fashionistas from 2015 to today come packaged in a box with a black and white printed
background and the Barbie signature hot pink graphics.
      Fashionistas from 2015 to today come with a wide variety of face molds, skin colors, hair styles and four different body types: plus tall, petite, curvy and original. The wigs on the dolls are fantastic but the mobility of their bodies is very limited. None of their limbs bend at the knee or elbow. However there is a bit of mobility at the shoulder. Only some of these dolls come with names, but most have number i.d. Some dolls have glasses and others have earrings. Dolls also have flat feet or arched feet, in either case not all shoes made for Barbie are adaptable to every Fashionista. The dolls pictured here are in their original clothing.
All Fashionistas have only five points of articulation: at the neck, at the shoulders and at the hip.

       Doll number 20 has ebony skin, a profuse amount of brunette curls and soft brown eyes. She has one of Mattel's petite bodies and wears a spring floral dress with spaghetti straps and a gathered waist. Her heals and earrings are made from baby blue plastic. And what sets her apart is that both of her arms are bent permanently to right degree angles. 

Fashionista number 70 has a very slight grin and full lips.

       Fashionista number 70 is a classic platinum blond, blue-eyes Barbie type. Her hair is long and curly and her figure petite. She wears a soft grey tee shirt and a silky floral skirt. 70's makeup is minimal and she also wears sun glasses and simple white tennis shoes.

Both of these African American fashionista dolls have remarkable hair and open mouth, smiles. 
       Doll 81 is also a petite, wears a yellow and black checkered dress, wears flashy jewelry and tiny hot pink heals. She has rooted, fluffy hair tied up on either side of her head. Her eyes are painted wide open!
       Doll number 105 is a curvy Fashionista who wears a wide striped, pink and orange dress. This dress design reminds me of rugby shirts but the material has a sheen and is much lighter weight, like spandex. Her hair is gorgeous and generous! She has cat shaped eyes with long painted eye-lashes. Her eye-brows turn up slightly at the ends and she also wears large hoop earrings.

I love number 73's burgundy half boots and the black background of her jumpsuit compliments
 her sun-kissed skin color. Her slightly parted puckered lips are painted dark rose and
her eyes are hazel.

       Fashionista number 73 comes with a floral pint jumpsuit, large gold hoop earrings and wisps of short bangs painted along the edge of her forehead. Her hair is styled in a small top-knot and her features and skin-tone are classically Hispanic. She has a lovely rooted wig that comes in subtle shades of brassy browns and golds. Her body type is original, I think, and her right arm is bent to a reflex angle.

Doll 135 has a very wide smile and an athletic looking figure.

       Fashionista number 135 wears a long, striped beach dress and a fanny pack about her waist. Her afro is gathered in a top knot and delicate painted wisps of hair are painted at her hair-line. Her skin is unique because it is painted as though she has Vitiligo. This is a genetic condition affecting 2% of the population although it is most noticeable in people with darker skin tones. Mattel has made several of their fashionistas with unusual body characteristics in an effort to diversify their doll lines.

Doll 124 isn't afraid to stand out in a crowd, she has her own way of expressing herself.

       Number 124 sports a green mohawk, polka-dot overalls and has a zig-zag etched into her scalp. Her fashion sense is uniquely her own! Both Fashionistas 124 and 135 have permanently bent elbows so that their right arms are positioned at right angles to their torsos.

Doll 146 has a gold prosthetic limb. Her white counterpart, 121 (not shown) has a silver prothetic limb.

       Doll number 146 is an African American doll with a prosthetic limb. She has a average body height and generous black braids. Her eyebrows are also heavy and her lips open, painted hot pink. This doll wears an off-the-shoulder print dress with a ruffle and white sneakers. Her right arm is molded to a permanent reflex angle.

Doll 79 has long pony tails. Her hair has mixed strands of: gold, blond and lt. brown mixed together.
       Fashionista number 79 is a plus tall size which is made even more apparent by her long, exaggerated sweatshirt dress. This dress is very uncommon, even for a Fashionista. Not many of these dolls have winter garments or sport such bold text as is seen here. (text reads: "LOVE" times 5)
       Both 79 and 75 Fashionistas have their left arms bent at permanent reflex angles.

       Number 72 has aqua blue highlights in her shoulder length, bob cut. She also wears sunglasses, a blue jean jumper, a pink and white tee along with pink heals. Her skin is tan, her lips natural and her eyes are pale brown. She is taller than most of the Fashionistas but not as tall as 79.
       Number 75 has beautiful auburn curls and wears a black and white print dress decorated with stars. There is also a black ribbon tied in a bow at the front of her dress. Her features look to me to be Hispanic and her eye color is a pale blue grey color, an unusual eye paint choice for a Fashionista.
       The majority of Fashionistas have brown eyes with highlights that make their eye color look gold. There is such a thing as amber or gold eyes in real people although it is incredibly rare. A few of the Fashionistas have very distinctly brown eyes like those of 20 and 146.

More Fashionista Doll Reviews:

Press Release About Fashionista Doll Lines:

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