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Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Merry-Go-Round

 The Merry-Go-Round
By Clinton Scollard

In all my life I've never found
So merry a thing as the merry-go-round;
For there the beasts come every day
From far away as Africa,
And let you ride them to the sound
Of some old wheezy, breezy thing
That makes what's called "the welkin" ring.

I feel my jumping heart rejoice
Of these big beasts to have my choice;
The elephant and tall giraffe
Both look so queer I have to laugh.
And there's a tiger with no voice-
I think he must have left it where
He lived within his jungle lair.

It is my greatest joy and pride
Upon the lion's back to ride;
And, like the tiger, if he had
A  shaggy, wide-mouthed roar when mad,
He keeps it safely hid inside.
In all my life I've never found
So merry a thing as the merry-go-round!

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