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Saturday, May 29, 2021

My BAITZ Travel Dolls

Left full frontal view of both dolls. Center the dolls from behind. Right, the boy is a whistler.

        The BAITZ boy doll shown above is wearing a folk costume from Austria. He was given the name "Toni" by the company. He has whistling lips and is called a 'whistler' as are many dolls made by BAITZ. (I have also included a smiling girl doll version along with him.) His hair is auburn red mohair just like his little female partner.

Left, the BAITZ tag. Center, The girl dolls wears a traditional corset on the outside of her garments.
 Right the boy doll's woolen tights up-close.

       The BAITZ girl wears a folk costume originating from Neu-Bern, Switzerland. She has long braided auburn hair made of mohair and a smiling face. She wears a lovely braided straw hat trimmed in felt ribbon and a rose colored felt flower.

Left, the boy puckers up to whistle. Center, the tops of their felt and straw hats.
Right, she gives her partner a flirty side glance.

Both of these dolls share in common:

  • wire armature body types covered with felt
  • composition head/neck
  • mohar wigs
  • primarily felt costume details and cotton skirt, bloomer and sleeves
  • There are no points of articulation; the dolls are for display.
  • painted facial features
  • The hats are glued on top of each of their heads.
  • Our versions are made in Austria

More BAITZ Doll Eye Candy and History:

Ryan Shirley's Top 10 Places to Visit in Austria.

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