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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

New Girl's Camp Movement, 1914

The New Girl's Camp That Promises to Become a Nation-Wide
Movement in 1914.

        The Young Women's Christian Association of Pasadena and Los Angeles recently established a notable camp for girls who work. It is situated in the mountains, thirteen miles from Pasadena.
       The camp was established early in the summer, to be left open the whole season, and it was hoped that every Young Women's Christian Association in the country might adopt the general plan, and open camps each summer so that every girl who works might be assured a vacation.
       Forty girls at a time were taken into camp, remaining two weeks, until every member had had a two week's vacation. And not only are change of scene and rest provided, but mental recreation as well. There are classes in hand craft and Nature study, and in composition. The latter finds expression in a weekly paper. 
  1. Flag raising, pictured on the right, is an important ceremony which takes place at seven o'clock each morning. 
  2. Girls gathering wood for their campfire and for cooking purposes. It is lots of fun and good exercise.
  3. Sleeping arrangements are shown just right. Tents are used merely as dressing rooms. All the cots are out under the stars. Each girl pays five dollars a week, and, generally speaking, they are from fourteen to twenty years of age.
  4. At the close of dinner each night the names are read of the girls who have observed all the camp rules that day.
  5. Every Sunday morning a regular church service is held, the music echoing and reechoing through the woods.
  6. The library where the girls read or write letters home.
  7. Each girl washes her own dishes and keeps them covered in her own box between meals.
  8. The nature-study class gathering specimens of wild flowers to be analyzed in camp. 

Daily Schedule:

6:00-Morning Taps (bugle)
6:45-Getting-up Exercises
7:00-Flag Raising
8:30-Tent Clean-up
9:30-Nature Study
1:15-2:15 Rest Hour
2:30-Hand Craft
5:15-Watching the Sun Go Down
7:00-Games, Campfire Stories
9:00-Fire Out
9:30-Quiet Taps

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