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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Summer Lullaby

 Summer Lullaby
By Eudora S. Bumstead

The sun has gone from the shining skies:
Bye, baby, bye.
The dandelions have closed their eyes;
Bye, baby, bye.
And the stars are lighting their lamps to see
If the babies and squirrels and birds, all three,
Are sound asleep as they ought to be.
Bye, baby, bye.

The squirrel is dressed in a coat of gray;
Bye, baby, bye.
He wears it by night as well as by day;
Bye, baby, bye.
The robin sleeps in his feathers and down,
With the warm red breast and the wings of brown,
But the baby wears a little white gown.
Bye, baby, bye.

The squirrel's nest is a hole in the tree;
Bye, baby, bye.
And there he sleeps as snug as can be;
Bye, baby bye.
The robin's nest is high overhead,
Where the leafy boughs of the maple spread,
But the baby's nest is a little white bed.
Bye, baby, bye.

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