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Monday, July 5, 2021

Paper Dolls by Sheila Young

       Sheila Young was a popular illustrator commissioned by three magazines: Ladies Home Journal, Good Housekeeping and Extension to produce colorful realistic looking paper dolls. The dolls were published during the first and second decades of the 19th Century. Paper dolls listed below will be gradually cleaned and added to our listing. 

About Lettie Lane and Her Stories and Paper Doll Family: The first paper doll in this series appeared in 1908, Ladies Home Journal.

Who is Lettie Lane?
The Lane Paper Doll Mansion

The Betty Bonnet Paper Dolls: A paper doll series published in the Ladies Home Journal during the mid 1910s.

The Polly Pratt Paper Dolls: Published from 1919 -1921 in the Good Housekeeping magazine

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