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Thursday, August 12, 2021

DIY AG doll sized hypodermic needles

        A hypodermic needle  one of a category of medical tools which enter the skin, called sharps, is a very thin, hollow tube with one sharp tip. It is commonly used with a syringe, a hand-operated device with a plunger, to inject substances into the body (e.g., saline solution, solutions containing various drugs or liquid medicines) or extract fluids from the body (e.g., blood). Large-bore hypodermic intervention is especially useful in catastrophic blood loss or treating shock.

I lined the inside of the tin with cut foam so that the needles would stay in place. There are both 'tape'
bandages and real bandages included inside as well.

       You can make a set of these for your doll's medical clinic, surgery, doctor's office or hospital. You will need toothpicks acrylic paints, red, black and white paper, plus white school glue to make a set of these.

I decorated this 3 3/4" x2 1/2" Altoids container with white, red and green printed papers. It now hangs on
the wall of our doll doctor's office, in case of emergency. It contains bandages and hypodermic needles.

       The longest needle I made to fit inside the decorated Altoids tin measures 2 1/4" long but you can make your hypodermic needles any length you like. Paint one set as though they have blood samples inside and another as clean and empty. For the used blood samples paint the tips of your toothpicks red, wrap the next section of the toothpick with red paper, then black for the plug and white for the unused portion of the plunge. I wrapped the white flange with double the length of paper strips and then left a narrower portion white for the end of the plunger flange.

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