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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

DIY a Doll's Megaphone

Finished cardboard megaphones from different angles, 3" in length.

        Your AG dolls can show their team spirit with these pretend megaphones. Cover them with papers matching your school colors if you'd like.

Supply List:

  • flimsy cardboard (recycled cereal box)
  • masking tape
  • white school glue
  • wire (the thin type that comes with bread bags from the market)
  • decorative papers in school colors
  • Mod Podge to apply to the surface to seal (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Cut out a megaphone shape similar to the one shown below from the flimsy cardboard. It's important to use light weight cardboard for this craft so that the mega phone will curl in on itself nicely. The tab and slit in the photo are shown where the curled megaphone should attach but these are optional.
  2. Glue the funnel shape using white school glue and a piece of tape to hold it in place while the glue dries. 
  3. Hold the megaphone up next to your doll's hand so that you can bend the wire about it to fit her hand perfectly. Then attach this bent wire to the cardboard megaphone with tape and glue.
  4. Carefully cover the megaphone with masking tape to create a smooth surface.
  5. Wrap the wire for the handle also with tape to make this sturdy.
  6. Decoupage the entire piece with white glue and colorful papers. Use your own school colors if you'd like. You can also match the colors to a set of pom poms for doll cheerleaders.
Left, the cut shape for a megaphone trace and copy ours if you'd like. Center, tape the rolled
megaphone in place after dabbing on a bit of glue, this will hold it in place while it dries. Right,
make sure to bend the wire to fit your doll's hand and then tape it into place.

Left, use masking tape to secure all attachments. Right cover the cardboard megaphones with
masking tape prior to applying glue to the surfaces and then papering them. This will add
strength and a smoother surface finish to the megaphones.

More About Doll Megaphones:

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