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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Mina Taylor dress and housecoat fashions from 1922

        Mina Taylor Dresses from the 1920s were very fashionable day wear in the United States. "They have such charm you're proud to wear them anywhere. They are practically made and so sensibly cut they'll be your first choice for housework hours, too. And they can be sent, scores of times, to the laundress!"

Remember the name "Mina Taylor." Should you not find them
 at your local store, please write us, addressing the Omaha office. 

       "Frankly, "Miss Taylor" dresses are house dresses with a drawing-room manner. They are as ready to meet fastidious callers, to go automobiling, or picnicking, or shopping, as they are to polish the silver or mix the bread dough. Thy are cut amply where ease is needed; their skirts are wide enough for comfort. Yet they are the prettiest, freshest things imaginable, beautifully finished in every detail. Their message is:
      "Away with poorly cut, dull-colored clothes; don flowerlike colors; take to yourself the flattering lines of the new mode, dainty touches of sheer organdie or great butterfly sashes. Look pretty all the time!"

       You'll find them at a good store in your locality, made of fine ginghams and percales, for women of every size, from 16 years to size 44. And moderately priced."
"This, you know, is the day of "flattering clothes. It is no longer
 enough that a dress be a dress; the clever woman asks, too,
that it enhance her appearance."

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