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Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Feast-Time of the Year

 The Feast-Time of the Year

This is the feast-time of the year,
When hearts grow warm, and home more dear;
When autumn's crimson torch expires,
To flash again in winter's fires.
And they who tracked October's flight,
Through woods with gorgeous hues bedight,
In charmed circle sit and praise
The goodly log's triumphant blaze;
This is the feast-time of the year,
When plenty pours her wine of cheer,
And even humble boards may spare,
To poorer poor a kindly share.
While bursting barns and granaries know
A richer fuller overflow,
And they who dwell in golden ease,
Blass without toil, yet toil to please.
This is the feast-time of the year,
The blessed advent draweth near;
Let rich and poor together break
The bread of love, for Christ's sweet sake;
Again the time when rich and poor
Must ope for Him a common door
Who comes a guest, yet makes a feast,
And bids the greatest and the least.

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