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Sunday, November 7, 2021

No bake slice of cake pincushion...

The finished results for my slice of cake pin cushion: Left a side view, Right a view from above.

       This pincushion is easy to sew and makes a charming gift! You can change the way it looks easily by using multiple colors.

Supply List: 

  • a variety of scrap ribbons
  • white felt
  • stuffing, the denser the better
  • faux white fur that looks like fluffy icing

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1.  First, you will need to cut two long triangles the same size from felt for the top and bottom of the pincushion. 
  2. Then cut a wide felt band to attach around the outside edges of both triangles from felt as well. 
  3. Leave a small 1 inch opening to stuff the shape firmly with soft batting or lint from a dryer. Stuff the shape as tightly as possible without loosing it's general silhouette.
  4. Now attach the faux "icing" to the top and the back side of the cake slice with a whip stitch.
  5. The bottom of the cake will stay unadorned.
  6. Snip, and trim the layers of ribbon with hand-stitching on both sides of the cake.
Left and Center, the slice of cake stuffed felt shape. Right, the ribbon sewn on.

More Pincushion Cake:

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