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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thanksgiving Prayer

 Thanksgiving Prayer
by Mary Caroline Merrick

Dear God:
I thank you for each lovely tree
That spreads its cooling shade for me.
I thank you for the mountains grand
That rise above our wondrous land.

I thank you for the noisy sea,
For winds that blow so wild and free.
I thank you for the silver sands,
For rocks whereon the lighthouse stands.

I thank you for each golden day,
With time for study, work and play.
I thank you for the still, cool night,
And for the pale moon's silvery light.

I thank you for my darling mother,
For Sister and for baby Brother.
For Daddy dear, so kind and strong,
And for this home where I belong.

I thank you, oh, for everything,
For quiet lake and bubbling spring.
For sun and dew and fragrant sod,
I thank you for my life, dear God.

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