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Friday, December 10, 2021

Christmas Company

By Harriet Whitney Symonds

I'm tarrible busy, I tell you, an' haven't a minute to play,
So, dollies, my dear little children, I'll just haf to tuck you away
An' leave you to 'muse one another (I know you won't quarrel nor fight),
'Cause company's cornin' for Christmas, an' mebby the'll get here to-night‚-
An auto-car cram-full of kinfolks, now what do yo think about that?
We're all in gret splutteration, from Grampa clean down to the cat.
The's bushels of cookin' to 'tend to; it's startin' in now- you can tell
By the simmery sounds in the kitchen, an' sniffin's of nut-meggy smell.
An' all Granny's crimpy tin cutters are set in a shiny-bright row;
We're gonto cut flowers an’ fishes an' birds out of ginger-bread dough,
An' a fat cooky-bear for the baby-the one that we never did see,
'Cause it's nearly bran-new, but they've named it Clarissy, for Granny an' me.
The mince-meat's all chopped; I helped Granny to make it, an' wasn't it fun!
I seeded the raisins an' currants, an' sampled it when it was done,
An' children as true as you're liven', it tasted just like it was made
Of clover an' honey an' peaches an' pansies that grow in the shade.
My Uncle Josiah is fixing to go after cedar an' pine
Right now, an' I got to go with him an' hunt for some bittersweet vine  
An' holly with shiny red berries to hang on the mantel an' wall,
For yon know that to-morrow is Christmas, the loveliest Birthday of all.
The house must be put into order, with everything spicky- an'-span;
My aunties an' Huldy are sweeping' an' dustin' as fast as they can;
So, dollies, be good little children, an' don't get to fretting' for me;
You see, on the day before Christmas, how busy your muvver must be!

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