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Sunday, February 13, 2022

A 'Heartistic' Tale

Printable Valentine candy heart story.

A Heartistic Tale
by Myrtle Koon Cherryman

       It was a Valentine Party and the little heart-shaped candies in the bon-bon dish began to rattle around fretfully. Presently one of them said, with a very determined expression: "I propose we have a Union, and strike for something or other."
       "What, for instance?" asked a merry looking heart.
       "For less eating on the part of people going to parties," said another one who looked very discontented."If there were a law against eating we should last longer."
       "But how could we have a Union?" said another heart, looking very much surprised.
       "And what would we call ourselves?" asked another; looking mischievous and winking one eye.
       "We would be called The Heart Association. I've heard of some such thing," put in another smartly, cocking its eye toward the ceiling.
       "Oh how lovely" exclaimed the enthusiastic one, rolling both eyes heavenward, with a soulful look.
       "Yes," said the highbrow one, whose eyes were almost shut from reading too many candy mottoes. "And we could have a slogan - I know a splendid one: 'Heart for Heart's Sake."
       "But look!" exclaimed a scared-looking heart. "We can't do anything now. The party is coming, eaters and all."
       Then they all turned toward the one who had proposed the strike, and someone said: "Well, you're looking pretty down-in-the-mouth!"
       "That's where we'll all be, in a few minutes,'' said the heart, looking down-in-the-mouthier than ever.

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