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Saturday, February 12, 2022

To my dog, to my doll, to my cat...

I little girl wrote these messages to her friends on their Valentines...

To My Dog
by Helen Wing

Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog
How I love you!
Your eyes are so friendly,
Your heart is so true,
I know you are always
My pal without fail,
From the 'sniff' of your nose
To the 'wag' of your tail.

To My Doll
by Helen Wing

I love you, dear, although I know
Your body is a rag.
(We made you out of pieces from
My grandma's sewing bag.)
Your legs are getting rather limp.
Your neck is wobbly, too.
Yet no doll in the nursery
Is half so dear as you.

To My Cat
by Helen Wing

I love you when you snuggle
And close your amber eyes.
I love you when your fluffy tail
Gets prickly with surprise.
I love to hide my fingers in
The softness of your fur
And hear the little loving words
You tell me with your 'purr.'

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